Link between farm gate and plate If you are ever on Salt Spring Island during a big earthquake, head to the abattoir’s holding pens. The government’s edict that they be built to the highest seismic standards is just one of the thicket of regulations through...
“Daddy I’m scared…” “Don’t worry son, I’ll protect you from all the bad people.” “Are there lots of bad people Dad?” “Oh yes there’s lots and lots of them and they’re everywhere but most of them...
Alchemist’s workshop The long-sought philosopher’s stone is located in the south eastern corner of Winnipeg. Here the dreams and ambitions of countless get-rich-quick artists over the centuries have come true. Here is what revenue-strapped monarchs and...
Beating the drums of peace in Chechnya |The smell of rancid meat piled on a crusty mattress blended with the reek of burning rubber. In the murky light of the two-room cattle shed, the screams of insanity echoed off the splintering, single ply walls. This is Maleka’s...